Jesus & the Prodigal Son





The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk. 15:11-32) is undoubtedly one of the most beloved stories of scripture. In this book Dominican theologian Brian J. Pierce brings a startling perspective to the familiar story. Starting with the words of the father in the parable, “This son of mine was dead and is alive again,” Fr. Pierce imagines the parable as a commentary on the story of Jesus himself, who entered into the world of suffering and sin to bring the good news of God’s radical mercy. After carrying out this mission to the point of death, he was raised again and returned to the Father. While this imaginative reading sheds new light on the gospel, it also bears implications for a church that enters compassionately into the world of those on the margins. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, this fresh take on a familiar parable helps to illuminates the gospel challenge for out times.